Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weigh in!

Ok ladies & Lyle! LOL Drum roll please................I lost a whoppin' 5.6 lbs. Yahoooooooooooooooo So with that 5.6 and my 2 lbs so for this week I now weigh 270 lbs. Yahooooo!! Ta Da!! Yippee!! Woot woot!! Ok I'll let go, for now! So, big news flash here people I am getting back in the mood to scrapbook. And I know all you must scrapbook too! LOL :D Anyway, I will be posting some of my work for ya all to see, just for fun eh?

Now What to do in case your waiting in a line at Wally World and you hear the person commenting on how FAT you are. You say; "I'm sorry I didn't hear you!!" And see what they do.... I had this experience when I was really I had to roll in and hang on a cart like a side of beef! Guess what her snotty answer was?? "I wasn't talking to you!" Guess what my snotty answer was?? Ok...But you were talking about me, and I sure want to Thank You for sharing some gracious words about me. It made my day!! You have a good Day now! She just stood there speechless, until I started to waddle off she said, "B---H!!! I swear todayis girls are much more A$$-n'-nine than they were back in my day!

True Story! OK IN my world of THIN_DUM, I am looking forward to our pool time. I can swim this chub off and let it float around in the pool, to heat the water eh? hehe J/K stop saying eeewwwww LOL OK Ladies & Lyle 3 cheers for swimming our chub off...hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray!! Be proud and wear those swimsuits people!!


Lesia said...

Incredible weight loss! Wish I could pull those numbers. Way to go girl! You go swim away as I sit here wishing I could...BOO HOO! Stupid foot!

Unknown said...

ohh lesia you poor thing! I can't even imagine what you must be going thru! It has to get better, aren't you at the bottom of things? hehe only to better is up??? Maybe!! *hugs* Hang in there girlfriend!

julielopez3 said...

Congrats! Swim??? Only if I can find a suit to fit my BUTT! LOL

Christy said...

congrats on your loss, that's great!!! And I think you handled the girl in "wally world" very well. I would have just went home and cried with some food in hand. I think I might go to gym tonight and swim sounds fun :)

Lindsay said...

Great job on your weight loss :)