Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sad but Not Defeated!

If life wasn't hard enough! I now have to lose 5 get me back to my 269.8, which I was 2 weeks ago. WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! LOL :D Ok I have licked my wound and had a good talking too. (I talk to myself) LOL :D And this morning I am back, on track, and going to exercise right after I write this entry!!! Yep...I said "Exercise" I know, I can hardly believe it myself! :D Two weeks of gaining has put my anti-depressant to the test!!! LOL I said in my last entry that I was going to do some yoga, well I have the website already all I have to do is hit click!!

Now, I have even decided to take some footage of me trying to do yoga so you all can see I was serious. :D :Warning: This may be hilarious, do not laugh around any sharp objects!!

I promise, to all my loyal blog watchers (all of 3) hehe I am serious and I am going to lose those rotten pounds by Thursday meeting!! (holds up 3 fingers and crosses my heart) :D Ok here goes....get your beer goggles on!!!! LOL Just click the little arrow on the white bar below!


Sam said...

YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! If you ever want to go walking, I'm game!

Christy said...

Good luck. Hope you make it.

julielopez3 said...

I LOVE IT! And it looks like you make have broken into a sweat there. Did you have fun?
I hope we are both down 5 pounds on Thursday.

Lesia said...

had no idea what Yoga was on now I do. U look good doing it I think I could actually do that. I have faith the scales will be nice to you this week...keep smiling:)