Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day Celebrations!!!

I hope all of you are having a great Mothers day. And for my friends that have not yet become mothers, lest we forget you have the skill of mothering. It is within all of us, and we are capable of sharing it with others that need mothering! So again I say Happy Mothers Day!!!

Now about being a mother....I am a mother that likes to eat, and I have done just that today. EAT!! Not much, just some cinnamon and sugar toast, peanut butter and honey sandwich. And I'm sure I will be screwing up later today too! LOL :D

I went to curch in a new dress....I have not been into a size 24 dress in a Millenium. And I have to say, I felt rather pretty today. I wore matching jewelry and looked smashing in my size 24 ensemble! Ohhhh and I got my hair cut. Noooo I mean CUT. I look like a man!! hehe I mean it! Here is a pic of how short I got my hair cut!! YIKES!! hehe I got it cut this short becuz" I am so tired of dying my hair. Then when my sliver and gray hair grow out, about an inch I am getting it cut to the sliver and gray level and then letting it grow a little longer so I look like a girl again!! I know impulsive me....but it had to be done sooner or later. And I chose sooner.. :D
OK, enuff' about me...what about you? What did you guys do for Mothers Day?


julielopez3 said...

Love your hair cut! I love short hair.
Congrats on the new dress size!
Today I celebrated Mother's Day along with my twins 18th birthday. This morning one of them got up with me and we went for a 2 mile walk along the Jordan River. Then we went to breakfast at IHop with my husband and other daughter. Dinner tonight with my son and Daughter n law. Happy Mother's Day to YOU!

Petra said...

Aw, I wish I´d have the guts to get my hair CUT! Everytime I´m at the hairdressers I chicken out: "Same again, please".
Here in England Mother´s Day was in March, so I almost forgot to wish my mom a happy Mother´s Day (she´s in Germany). Thank god, I remembered!
Love your blog! You always make me giggle.

Lesia said...

Congrats on the new dress. I totally relate to how it makes you feel when you get ALL dressed up. See you on Thursday:)

Christy said...

Your hair looks cute. For mothers day my sister made me bbq chicken and we had lots of fresh fruit and a salad. It was yummy!!! Happy Mothers day to you.