Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I am down for the count!!  I can't believe I am still maintaining my weight in the 270's!! I am 2 shakes away from crying my eyes out and giving up!!  I do not know what I am doing wrong!  Bla!!!! I feel my self caving...


Petra said...

Hi sweety, hang in there. I know, it sounds coming from me, but I´m sure the number will go down eventually.

I know, you´ve started on the excercise front. I´m sure, that´ll do the trick.

Bit more rumpypumpy, maybe? Got told you can burn tons of calories with that (must have been a man saying that).

I´m sure you´ll be one big success story!!!


karen said...

In the 4 years since my little guy was born my scale has stayed the same far more often then it's moved... or it's gone in the wrong direction altogether! I came home from the hospital at 235, lost 20 in his first 3 months ... and 26 freakin pounds since then (repeatedly, sometimes). Does it frustrate the hell out of me? More often than not. Does it make me want to curl up in a corner and sob? At times. Am I going to give up? Not a chance ... and I will stalk you and haunt you and beat you with a pool noodle if I think you will! :-)

Unknown said...

Well, DON'T CAVE! Don't give up, now! You've come so far already and....

Weight Loss can be a funny lil bugger sometimes. I don't know about anyone else's journey but I know mine is filled with frequent roadblocks during which I'll only lose 0.2 lbs per week...or I ask, "What's this thing you call a vegetable? It's a kind of cookie, right?" From my own journey I can say for certain there is A LOT of struggle and work involved.

It's the kind of work that comes with commitment.... Like the commitment you make in marriage, or parenthood. You're going to have days when you want to shake something because you have find a way to live with this "new" person (the "new" version of yourself, if you will). Just like with marriage and parenthood, you still choose to stay in your marriage...or not (and I can't stress how much I am joking on this next one) selling your child on E Bay.

You keep going and revel in the days that make it all worthwhile; the days that bring you more joy than you ever thought your heart and head could possibly hold.

Now, until then, think about today. How are you healthier or somehow happier now in the 270's than you were before you started? List them. Honor them. Embrace them. Scrap them and take the points in AGC!!!! Having that tangible evidence that you do, indeed, rock the Casbah can be such an awesome motivator to keep going!

....And now I'm done being a drill Sergent. Here's hoping for you!

Ana said...

Never never never never never give up! You are doing so great! Remember that you JUST started a workout routine...give it a chance to settle in and see what happens.


Deanna said...

Please don't give up! I recently read an article on plateaus. I had never heard most of this before so maybe it will help. Hope the link works.

Lesia said...

Giving up is not an option SORRY! I think we have ALL been there. Remember when I was way upset at the meeting and dropped the F bomb? Well I was there then but I pushed past it and you can too. See you tonight!

julielopez3 said...

Oh, I have been in those shoes. Don't give up Quay. Any time you start a workout routine you will see a gain or a slow loss.. Trust me your body will give in, and the weight will start coming off!
Looks like I better find a suit by the 15th cause I really want to do those water aerobics.

Christy said...

don't give up you can do it. You look so good!! Instead of looking ahead to how far you need to go look back and see how far you have come. Try more protien and less sugary foods. Add 5 more minutes per exercise you are already doing. I will do the same and lets see where it takes us. Happy thoughts

Unknown said...

Whatever you do, don't give up! Stalls are frustrating and can ruin your year but as long as you KEEP trying you will get past it. Take a look at what you're eating/drinking/exercise routine and see if you can change something. Stop drinking diet soda for a week or cut down on carbs. Sometimes changing up the game really helps! Whatever you do, DON'T QUIT! :)

Sam said...

I agree with ever one else, don't cave! That's what satan wants!!! Don't let him win. You are a STRONG and DETERMINED woman and NO one can take that away from you!!!! As hard as it is, when you start exercising that can make your wait stall at first. Hang in there! PLEASE come tonight so we can all hug you and tell you that you can do this, because YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!