Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sad but True

Well, I have had to quit going to weight watchers, for awhile. I can not afford the monthly payment. My brother was paying for me to go. BUTT, he said he can't afford it either. :(  BUTT, I am still on track, I have been weighing myself at home and I have gained back 2 pounds. So now I am working on getting those pounds off my body....AGAIN!!  Now more distressing news, sorta!

I am going into the hospital October 8th to have knee surgery, yep I am getting a new knee! The doctor said I have severe arthritis in both knees and no cushion under my joints. So bone against bone. Yikes! Anyway 6 weeks later I am back in the hospital having the other knee replaced!! It's scary, but exciting too!  When all is said and done, I will finally be able to go walking for my exercise!!!!!!  Whooo Hooo  So now I have a new lens in my right eye, so I can see better, and I will have 2 new knees so I can walk better. Which means I will be able to see thru brick walls and jump tall buildings in a single bound!! OMG! I will become the worlds first bionic Grandma! Woot Woot! I can hardly wait!!! lol

Alrighty I will be here more now that I can't go to weight watchers for awhile! I will need to see how all of you are progressing to help me stay on task. is great, just like a great bra is! :D


julielopez3 said...

Quay, good to hear from you. I had to stop going to WW to. I had to pick either WW or my gym membership. GYM won!. Sounds like you are going to be the Bionic woman here soon. Good Luck and hope you have a speedy recovery!

Sam said...

Haha, we all have quit WW. I'm glad to hear your knees will be so much better! I'd love to go walking next spring with you!!

Unknown said...

Sam that is a good idea! Going walking with you! It's a date!!

Tammy said...

Good luck with the knee surgeries. I will look for you on the top of every tall building.

You have the tools of WW and you can get your support from the blogosphere. You will succeed indeed.

Anonymous said...

LOL - bionic grandmother. That's a good one. I'm sure your surgeries will go well and you'll be motoring around in no time.

Lesia said...

Well NOT everybody has quite WW. I still go and will ALWAYS go as long as my ole body will get me there. I feel your pain about surgery. Wish I had the positive outlook that you seem to have about mine. I am scared to death of the recovery pain.

I have missed you here and there. Get better soon from your surgeries. And good luck with your continued weight loss. Smile.

senora_x said...

Quay, I'll be praying you have a speedy recovery from surgery! Way to go on keeping up your efforts for so long! I've been working on weight for 2 months and I'm down 15 pounds. I'm always inspired by your blog so although I'm sad to hear you won't be able to go to WW I am happy to hear it means you may blog more!

Christy said...

Sorry you had to quit. Hope you stay on track and rely on your blog for support. Good luck with the whole knee thing. I hear it's pretty amazing how improved you are afterwards. I will be thinking of you during the surgery